The Sixth Night
“The Sixth Night” derives from “Yumejuya” (Ten Dreaming Nights), which was written by Soseki Natsume.
He is one of the most famous Japanese novelists of the Meiji era.
In the sixth episode from “Yumejuya,” Unkei, a Japanese sculptor carved a wooden Niō statue – Niō is one of the guardians of the Buddha – with his chisel and mallet without any hesitation.
“All he does is just dig out the eyebrows and nose already buried in the wood,” an onlooker expressed his admiration.
We are so impressed by this phrase as creators because we have made our products with the principle that “we just liberate things that are invisible but definitely exist.”
We hope that muska’s jewelry made under this principle can find their way to wearers here.
Our shop, The Sixth Night, is located in a room in a good old apartment building built at the end of a quiet alley.
Warô Flat No. 4 apartment was built more than 80 years ago. Just like the windows, doors, and the patterns on the plaster walls, which vary from room to room, various people have lived in the house with love and affection. Because of its wonderful scenery, it was registered as a tangible cultural asset of Japan.
Today, this apartment is a very cozy place with a vegetarian cafe where you can enjoy delicious and healthy food and sweets, as well as a fantastic gallery with fine exhibitions where you can feel the warmth of hand crafts.
Sat & Sun 12:00 – 18:30
Weekday visits and consultations are by appointment only. Please contact us.